Custom Wooden Lightbox Displays

Custom Wooden Lightbox Displays

Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the important Chinese festive

promotion of bakeries, hotels, and even restaurants.

To stand out and differentiate a brand in such a competitive market,

customization displays and decorations may help.

The Peninsula Hotel customized two Chinese display shelves for their lobby display.

The shelves feature a main structure of a Chinese-style round display rack

with an elongated rectangular base.

LED light strips are installed on the rack and sealed with acrylic film,

creating the appearance of lanterns on the display shelves.

Patterns on the acrylic films correspond to the elements on mooncake boxes.

Combined with the products and other festive decorations,

the entire display shelf will exude a strong holiday atmosphere.

For any inquiries regarding customization,

please send your design drawings or reference photos to our email address.

Our team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss further details.

Related services︰ < Display Rack Customization > , < Custom Acrylic Displays > ,
< Window Display Deco Production >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Lightbox, Lightbox Film, Wooedn Frame