Custom Acrylic Displays

Custom Acrylic Displays

The counter display shelves are mostly made of acrylic boards,

which make it convenient to mount stickers and decals on them.

This acrylic display shelves are divided into two sides,

in order to carry higher exposure of gifts, ensuring visibility from different positions.

The display shelves feature acrylic decorations of different sizes.

These decorations are printed onto the acrylic surface by UV printing.

Also, a protective film is applied to prevent scratches on the color layers.

For any inquiries regarding customization,

please send your design drawings or reference photos to our email address.

Our team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss further details.

Related services︰ < Display Rack Customization > , < Custom Wooden Lightbox Displays > ,
< Window Display Deco Production >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Arylic UV Print, Decorative Sticker