Sticker on Bus Decoration

Sticker on Bus Decoration

Bus Body Decal Production and Interior Refurbishment

Retired buses can continue to serve in another way after being refurbished.

More than 30 schools across Hong Kong have been gifted retired buses,

which have been transformed into classrooms, libraries, or activity centers,

provide an alternative teaching environment and enhance students' learning interest.

Our work involves the production and installation of stickers

indoor (wall stickers) and outdoor (bus body stickers).

The sticker is designed by students.

The drawing is enlarged and printed into pieces,

and then combined until installation.

The glass stickers on window retains light transmittance,

allowing an appropriate amount of sunlight to penetrate indoor.

Bus decal stickers are made using waterproof and UV-resistant inks,

ensuring durability against rain and UV exposure even when placed outdoors.

The interior walls of the bus are covered with decals that use

environmentally friendly inks, free from harmful substances.

These inks comply with international standards for

indoor air quality and environmental certification,

ensuring a healthy and worry-free learning environment for students.

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Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Car Sticker, Wall Sticker