Recycling Truck Decal

Recycling Truck Decals

Environmental recycling has received widespread attention in recent years.

Different recycling trucks often appear in various districts, whether

commissioned by the government or private recycling companies.

Nowadays, recycling trucks have undergone a transformation,

the old, dirty, dilapidated image has been replaced by new one.

Through rebranding efforts and the application of vehicle decals,

their appearance has become easily distinguishable.

Recycling companies incorporate unique elements into the design of their vehicle decals,

making the truck's exterior part of their promotional efforts.

This not only attracts public attention but also encourages awareness

and concern for environmental issues.

Recycling trucks are exposed to the outdoor environment for extended periods.

The damaging effects of ultraviolet rays and rainwater can

cause the decals to fade, impacting their appearance.

The vehicle decals produced by Greenbase AD are printed with

waterproof and UV-resistant inks, ensuring a lifespan of up to 5 years.

This reduces the frequency of decal replacements,

minimizing environmental pollution.

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Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Car Sticker