Exterior Wall Sticker

Exterior Wall Sticker

When we think of exterior wall advertising,

banners and lightboxes often come to mind.

If the building is already equipped, you can apply directly to the management.

If not, it may be necessary to obtain the consent of

the building owner (depending on the situation), then engage a qualified,

registered engineering contractor to submit the necessary documents to

the Building Department and schedule the installation using scaffolding or a crane.

Considering the time from application to production,

if you're looking to avoid a long wait,

exterior wall sticker advertising could be an excellent option.

Exterior wall sticker installation does not require

the use of external materials (such as screws), so no permits are needed.

There are few restrictions on where ads can be placed,

allowing businesses to choose the most suitable direction and

height for their advertisements.

Concrete stickers are suitable for any wall surface and

are easy to install and remove.

Furthermore, there is no rental period for wall sticker ads,

so as long as the building's management allows it,

the advertisement can remain in place indefinitely.

Related services︰ < Exterior Wall Sticker Advertising >﹑< Concrete Sticker Ads/Decals >﹑
< Outdoor Concrete Sticker >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Concrete Sticker