Wall Sticker

Wall Sticker

Wall sticker simplify the time and process of store decoration.

Businesses apply their brand colors and logo into wall decals

to beautify and incorporate them into storefront and interior.

Consistent decoration enhances brand recognition and image.

Brand color plays an important role in brand identification,

reflecting the brand's image and message.

Store Friendly has been using our wall decals for 5 years,

decorating over 20 branch stores.

They extend the distinct image from the interior, storefront,

even to the doors and corridors, throughout the entire floor,

creating separate sections and highlighting their presence.

Customized content and designs can be applied to wall stickers for store decoration,

showcasing unique characteristics and consolidating the brand image,

thus to stand out from among numerous others.


Related services︰ < Wall Decals >﹑< Pillar Sticker >﹑< Canvas & UV Wall Sticker >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Wall Sticker