Shop Gate Sticker

Shop Gate Sticker

The Peninsula Hong Kong, with nearly a century of history,

is not only the oldest hotel in Hong Kong but also a Grade I historic building.

With its established reputation, does it still need advertising?

The hotel utilizes its entrance, exits, and windows as a platform

to showcase its past through shutter stickers displaying old photographs.

This allows the public to witness and be a part of the hotel's history,

witnessing the changes over the years.

The hotel's internal and external environment is filled with

a strong historical atmosphere.

Additionally, its internal facilities and services are disclosed to

the public through iron gate stickers,

indirectly promoting the brand while deepening consumer awareness.

The design of the shutter stickers is carefully coordinated with brand's style,

so that the advertisement will not conflict with the overall image of the store,

Instead, they become a distinctive and

unique element of the storefront's decoration.

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< Gate Sticker Advertisment >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Gate Sticker