Nano Antibacteral Coating Film

Nano Antibacteral Coating Film

Film applications hold an important position in

advertising and beautification projects.

They are convenient and do not damage the surface of the installation location,

making them an ideal choice for promotional purposes.

Greenbase AD is proud to introduce a brand new film product –

the "Nanotechnology Solid Silver Ion Antimicrobial Film," developed by

a local research company using innovative technology

to embed solid silver into a thin film.

Silver has been proven to kill 650 types of bacteria and viruses.

Nano silver releases silver ions,

and the positive ions disrupt the cell membrane and enzymes,

leading to the death of bacteria and viruses.

This inhibits their regeneration and reproduction,

keeping the surface of objects sterile.

The antimicrobial film has undergone various tests for bacteria and safety,

proving its effectiveness in antibacterial properties while being free from allergens.

From production to installation, it is harmless to the human body,

and the antimicrobial effect can last up to one year.

We also offer customization services for antibacteral film,

creating exclusive watermarks based on clients' provided designs.

This allows the antimicrobial film to blend naturally into office

and can be used as part of promotional campaigns.

The current Nano Antibacteral Coating Film package includes

transparent options (without watermarks) or eight color combinations

with watermarks to choose from.

It is a versatile solution that can transform specific facilities or areas

into themed decorations within a short period.

The authentication sticker provided allows the public

to verify the authenticity of the product.

Related services︰ < Antibacteral Coating - Restaurants>﹑< Antibacteral Coating - Schools >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Nano Antibacteral Coating Film