Double-Sided Glass Stickers

Double-Sided Glass Stickers

Transparent stickers and frosted stickers are made of transparent base materials,

resulting in the design can be visualized from both sides.

However, opaque color stickers can be single-sided or double-sided.

Stickers can be printed on both sides through UV printing.

The transparent glass stickers can be printed in different designs

on the front and back.(The base image must be in same shape).

The glass stickers of the following schools, the outer side are

promotional message to the public, while the interior are the decals.

The stickers are made using a technique called " UV-CWC",

which involves two layers of painting (colors) between one layer of white ink.

Instant drying via UV light prevents each layer of ink from mixing.

UV-printed stickers have high image quality, refinement, and color saturation.

They are also resistant to wear, scratches, water, and UV rays.

Even if the glass sticker faces the outdoors for a long time,

it can still maintain high-quality images.

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Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Glass Sticker, UV print sticker