Decorative Sticker II

Decorative Stickers II

Decorative stickers differ from wall or glass stickers

as they contain less advertising information.

It is mainly used to enhance brand recognition or beautify and decorate.

The installation of decorative stickers require more time and attention,

especially when applied on three-dimensional surfaces instead of flat ones.

So it takes more time to install, Crop the image according to

the mounting surface to fit the curvature and connection position.

Vending machines are another place where decorative stickers are commonly used.

In addition to beautifying decals, they also serve as guidelines and brand indicators,

helping the public distinguish between different brands.

Decorative stickers are also suitable for changing the

interior style without undergoing major renovations.

They offer a quicker way to transform the appearance of a space.

Sometimes it can also be combined with seasonal promotional activities,

convert part of a facility or location to a specific theme in the short term.

Related services︰ < Decorative Sticker I >﹑< Decorative Sticker Ads >﹑< Promotional Sticker >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Decorative Sticker