Decorative Sticker Ads

Decorative Sticker Ads

The retail industry offers a wide variety of products,

and the pace of product turnover is frequent.

Moreover, there are key promotion products every month and quarter.

By placing promotional stickers on storefront windows, counters, and display cabinets,

customers can stay informed about the latest product information.

Sometimes, the store layouts need to be changed

to coordinate with product promotions.

But we won’t carry out renovations specifically for promotional purposes every time.

Also, time may not be able to catch up,

Decorative stickers offer a quick and convenient solution.

They can be applied within a short period, and even during business hours,

their installation can be managed to minimize disruptions.

Once the promotion period ends, the stickers can be easily removed,

allowing the store to return to its original appearance without any hassle.

Related services︰ < Decorative Sticker I >﹑< Promotional Sticker >﹑< Decorative Sticker II >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Decorative Sticker