Antibacteral Coating - Schools

Antibacteral Coating - Schools

The government is currently implementing a phased approach to resume classes,

and schools and educational institutions are preparing for the resumption.

Apart from implementing cleaning measures and social distancing restrictions,

it is crucial to prevent the spread of germs through contact with objects.

This is especially important for children, as their immune systems and

hygiene awareness are not as developed as those of adults,

making it more challenging for them to consistently maintain personal hygiene.

Therefore, there is a need for products that can automatically

eliminate germs to prevent indirect transmission.

The Nano Antibacteral Coating Film provides contact-based sterilization,

effectively killing bacteria and viruses on the surface of objects and

providing long-lasting antimicrobial protection.

According to the policy of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

if a product is effective against hard-to-kill viruses, it can also kill the coronavirus.

The antibacteral film has been proven to combat at least one type of enveloped virus,

providing maximum protection against the coronavirus.

And it is free from chemicals and odors,

and the solid silver used is harmless to the human body.

It can be reused without natural loss over time.

By applying the film to frequently touched surfaces such as doors and tabletops,

it enhances protection for students,

allowing them to enjoy a safe and worry-free school life.

Related services︰ < Nano Antibacteral Coating Film>﹑< Antibacteral Coating - Restaurants >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Nano Antibacteral Coating Sticker