Antibacteral Coating - Restaurants

Antibacteral Coating - Restaurants

As one of the industries that have the most frequent contact with customers,

restaurants must implement targeted measures to reduce the risk of transmission

and provide a clean and hygienic dining environment.

Many restaurants have installed protective barriers to reduce airborne transmission.

However, another important mode of transmission to consider is contact transmission.

We can indirectly spread bacteria and viruses through contact with

different objects, such as doors, tables, and door handles.

Although restaurants conduct regular cleaning,

using excessive amounts of alcohol, volatile and irritating cleaning agents

like bleach is not suitable for indoor environments.

There is a concern that these substances may contaminate food

and affect the health of customers.

We recommend using the "Nano Antibacteral Coating Film" as

an alternative to high-concentration cleaning agents.

The solid silver ions used in the film can be reused without naturally depleting.

It effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses on the surface of objects,

keeping them sterile.

An it is free from chemicals and harmful gases,

it can be installed immediately without the need for a waiting period.

The antimicrobial effect lasts for up to one year

without the need for frequent replacement.

As long as the film surface is not covered with grease,

it will maintain long-lasting antimicrobial protection.

The product provides an authentication sticker issued by the authorized distributor.

Customers can use the QR code to visit the distributor's website for verification.

Related services︰ < Nano Antibacteral Coating Film>﹑< Antibacteral Coating - Schools >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Nano Antibacteral Coating Sticker