New Wall Mount Signboard

New Wall Mount Signboard

HongKongers are known for their resourcefulness in utilizing space,

and everywhere you look, there are advertising signs.

However, not all advertising signs can be installed arbitrarily.

External wall advertisements must first be applied to and approved by

the Buildings Department before installation.

Greenbase AD is a registered Grade I construction contractor with

the government (Registration No.: MWC4372/2011).c

They are also accredited by the Buildings Department as

an Authorized Person (AP) and Registered Structural Engineer (RSE),

making them competent in all aspects of external wall engineering,

including application, fabrication, and installation.

For external wall advertisements in buildings,

the size and dimensions of the advertisements are determined

and allocated based on the available area shown in the drawings.

There are two types of lightbox advertisements:

fabric-based and panel-based.

Fabric-based advertisements are suitable for

large-scale advertisements and outdoor placement,

equipped with durable and energy-efficient LED lights.

After installation, they require multiple inspections and adjustments,

and any issues must be promptly replaced or repaired.

In addition to being an accredited registered construction contractor,

Greenbase AD has professional craftsmen responsible for installation.

They provide corresponding equipment such as scaffolding,

aluminum work platforms, hoisting cranes, and aerial work platforms,

depending on the specific arrangements of the building's exterior walls.

This ensures that the project is carried out safely

and with adequate preparation.


Duties︰BD,Production & Installation
Materials︰Vinyl, Metal Frame