New Hang Up Signboard

New Hang Up Signboard

In Hong Kong, signage follows a standardized model.

There are three main types of protruding signs:

upward-extending signs, wall signs, and storefront signs.

Each category is further divided into various presentation styles,

such as horizontal banners, vertical signs, and covered signs.

These signs incorporate design, typography, graphics, lighting,

and other elements to become prominent features in the bustling cityscape.

Regardless of the type of protruding sign,

they must comply with the size and height regulations

set by the Hong Kong Buildings Department,

1. The distance from the ground to the bottom of the sign must be at least 3.5 meters.

2. Signage above pedestrian walkways must be at least 1 meter away from the roadway.

3. If the sign extends over the roadway, it must be at least 5.8 meters above the ground.

4. The maximum length of a sign extending over the roadway is 4.2 meters.

5. The minimum distance from the side of the sign to any obstruction is 2.4 meters.

6. Signs are not allowed to be erected on canopies.

7. Signs on the opposite side of the roadway must maintain a minimum

8. Signs over tram tracks must be at least 7 meters above the ground.

These regulations ensure safety, maintain proper clearances,

and prevent obstructions for pedestrians, vehicles,

and public transportation systems.

Normal procedure for submitting a signboard application typically takes 7 days,

excluding the time required for signboard customization.

The duration of signboard production depends not only on its size

but also on the classification of the project (Class I, II, or III).

For detailed information,

please consult with responsible advertising engineering contractor.

Related services︰ < Lamppost Banner Advertising >

Duties︰BD,Production & Installation
Materials︰Vinyl, Metal Frame