Exhibition Booth Design

Exhibition Booth Design

Outstanding designs often give a great impression,

but it's not just about the outlook.

Developing a themed exhibition booth cannot rely solely on imagination.

It requires planning and adjustments starting from the composition.

In the past, we designed an indoor booth for a Hong Kong-style Café.

We utilized 3D modeling to establish the initial design,

including layout, arrangement, lighting, and more.

The 3D design allows clients to visualize the booth's effects

and facilitates modifications and subsequent production requirements

such as dimensions, electrical positioning, and other arrangements.

Subsequently, the production can be carried out based on the design rendering.

Designing a booth needs to be tailored to

the location, size, and promotional format.

Larger booths require more space and furnishings.

Ultimately, it is crucial to consider the overall atmosphere

whether it aligns with brand's image.

Flexibly creating a suitable design is an essential aspect of an exhibition booth.

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