Hoarding Sticker

Hoarding Stickers

The service life of shop hoardings is generally 1-2 months.

Initially, they were used to separate dust and noise during construction.

Later on, in order to make better use of the panel,

stickers were added for decoration.

This is not just enhances the aesthetics but also provides an additional meaning,

to inform the public about construction information.

The content of hoarding advertisement is clean and clear.

It displays the brand name, logo, business scope, and other relevant information.

Shops that are not rented out can be temporarily covered with hoardings,

so that the public does not see vacant spaces.

By incorporating designs that align with the brand's style,

the company's image is established, while utilizing these hoardings for

advertising purposes for other stores as well.

Related Services︰ < Indoor Hoarding Advertisment >﹑< Indoor Hoarding >

Duties︰Production & Installation
Materials︰Hoarding Sticker