3D Print & Fibreglass

3D Print & Fibreglass

Fiberglass is suitable for creating large format decorative figures,

but it may lack intricate details.

If you would like to highlight the dynamic or nuanced details,

3D printing would have an advantage.

It allows for more precise and intricate designs,

capturing the fine details and expressions of the object being showcased.

In this project, we took an order for a pet hospital display,

where the dog mascot is made by fiberglass

while the cat mascot is created using 3D printing.

3D printing manufactures three-dimensional objects by layering materials,

eliminating the need for molds and reducing manufacturing time.

It has the capability to create natural and intricate lines,

and it can utilize various materials to print objects with different textures.

This versatility and flexibility in material selection contribute to

the wide range of possibilities offered by 3D printing technology.

Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) figurines are primarily handcrafted,

involving multiple steps and a relatively longer production time.

However, they offer the advantage to make modifications in different process.

Fiberglass is resistant to insulation, high temperature, and corrosion.

Therefore, it is suitable for long-term outdoor display.

These characteristics ensure that FRP figurines can withstand various

weather conditions and maintain their quality over time.

For custom solutions and expert advice, reach out to us anytime.

Related services︰ < Bepoke Fibreglass Mascots >

Materials︰Fiberglass, 3D Print